
A Visit to Mascotzentai Factories

On one of the hottest days of summer 2012 our team looked out the window and saw a a group of children resting on their walk back to school after a busy field trip. To their surprise who swung open the door of our Mascotzentai Studio but the KOOL-AID Man himself  with hugs and stickers for all!

We just can’t control the guy! He Just LOVES hugs!

Dog Mascot Costume


Betty Ford Centre Children’s Program welcomes BEAMER!

In response to the need to educate and intervene with children living with addicted family members the Betty Ford Centre created its Children’s Program in the late 90′s and a few years later, in 2005, the character Beamer. Beamer, the star of many children’s books, faced many challenges due to addiction in his family. The Betty Ford Centre saw how the children in the program were able to readily identity with Beamer and decided to create the Beamer Bear Mascot Costumes. What better way to let the kids at the Betty Ford Centre know they are not alone then by having this guy by their sides! Used effectively by counselors, teachers, prevention specialists and other caring adults Beamer, the bulb boy, will be able to teach children carious ways to cope positively with family addiction by finding safe people who can help.

The staff of Loonie Times wishes Beamer all the best in his new job! 

Making dragon mascots costume  costumelike this is what it’s all about!!!


Mascots at Loonie Times are getting ready for Easter!!!

Our Mascots Costumes here at the Loonie Times studio in Toronto are really getting into the Easter swing of things! We don’t even know where Yellow found all these yummy chocolates, his sign must really work!

On behalf of the Loonie Times team we wish everyone a Happy Easter and a safe and peaceful weekend!

Steelheads mascot seen about town

Name the fish

Supplied photo
The Mississauga Steelheads mascot was out and about this weekend. The Ontario Hockey League team is holding a contest to find it a name. The contest close this Friday.














The Mississauga Steelheads have unveiled its mascot.
The yet-to-be-named cheap mascot costumes was trotted out to the public on Saturday afternoon in Port Credit during the Buskerfest festivities. Fans had a chance to pose for a photo with the mascot, who was decked out in the team's new jersey.
The Ontario Hockey League team is holding a contest to find a name for the mascot. The contest closes on Friday at 5 p.m.
Team officials say they’ve received some great ideas but there's still time to make a suggestion through the team's Twitter and Facebook pages or by emailing info@mississaugasteelheads.com.
Everyone who submits a name will be entered into a draw for a pair of season tickets for the 2012/13 campaign.
The Steelheads open their exhibition season Saturday, Sept. 1 at 2 p.m. in Guelph.
Other dates include Sept. 2 vs. the Peterborough Petes at Port Credit Arena, Sept. 5 vs. the Storm at Iceland Arena, Sept. 8 vs. the Owen Sound Attack in Owen Sound, Sept. 11 vs. the Owen Sound at Vic Johnston Arena and Sept. 13 vs. the Petes in Peterborough.
The OHL's regular season opens on Sept. 20 and the Steelheads play their first game of the season Sept. 21 at the Hershey Centre against the Kitchener Rangers

Written By:http://www.mascotzentai.com/blog/

Forget-Me-Not Flower for the Alzheimer’s Society In the News!

 Forget-Me-Not Flower for the Alzheimer’s Society with Toronto Mayer, Rob Ford and on Breakfast Television!


ACU’S New Mascot – Firestorm

As a new and privately run University in Phoenix Arizona, ACU (formally Southwestern College) looked to it’s student body, faculty and staff to vote on a new team name and mascot this year to help embody their newly formed school spirit. Last week it was announced on campus that the University’s athletic teams will now be called “FIRESTORM,” while the school mascot will be a phoenix bird. The Phoenix bird as a mascot represents not only the schools location, but also the birth of a new University out of the old Southwestern College.

Looks like everyone at ACU did a GREAT job not only picking a new name but also designing a SIZZLING new mascot!!!  GO FIRESTORM!

Bear Mascot Costume


Watch for Mattel’s Little People (Sonya- Lee and Eddie) at a Wal-Mart Near YOU Canada!

The end of March marks the the beginning of Mattel’s Canadian Wal-Mart tour with Little People’s Sonya- Lee and Eddie. That’s right, this March 23rd and 24th Sonya- Lee and Eddie will be ready with hugs for your little people at stores in Mississauga, Meadowvale, Brantford, Stoney Creek, Scarborough and London! Eddie will then make his way to Alberta to visit his friends in Edmonton on the 6th and Fort McMurray on April 7th while Sonya-Lee will be skipping down the halls of Sydney’s  Wal-Mart in Nova Scotia April 6th before making the trek back to Ottawa to see her pals on the 13th!

For a full list of times click our Facebook icon at the top right hand of the page!!!


Postive feedback from our great clients!

The Mascotzentai Times team absolutely LOVES hearing from our clients after they have received their new mascot. So much love and detail goes into creating each custom mascot so when we see a photo of one of our creations we all feel proud. We are thrilled that Northeast Ohio Medical University had these kind words to say about their new “Walking Whale” mascot:

“Thanks for making us a wonderful new mascot! Our Northeast Ohio Medical University mascot costume, “The Walking Whale” is awesome! Check him out with his friends from Kent State University, the University of Akron and Cleveland State University!”

"Pioneer Mascot" Costume Update

On Tuesday we will receive the 2nddrawing from the Mascot Designer and a quote. If everything is in order, we will have the deposit paid and the costume ordered by the end of the week.
The costume is expected to be ready for the Colorado College game on Saturday, March 7th. We will be working with the DU Grilling Society (DUGS) and various student organizations to give the mascot a proper introduction.


$3,400 is in the bank already and another $1,200 in pledges are rolling in. The revised quote is expected to be higher than originallythought because we've made some modifications to the first draft (bigger arms, chest, more "athletic" build).

We still need donations of any denomination to raise several thousand more (WCHA Final 5, NCAA Tourney and Frozen Four are on the immediate horizon, providing the hockey team cooperates). Any donation of $50 will be matched by LetsGoDU.

The skin tone will be "ethnically ambiguous," which is becoming a standard in the mascot costume industry. We've received a overwhelminglypositive response from students who have seen the mascot design on the blog.

The color scheme for the mascot will match the popular "Welcome to Boontown" logo; crimson pants & shirt, gold/tan vest & black boots.


Make Your Mascot Talk!

discount 3rd Version Blue Bear Mascot Adult Costume

Typically, mascot performers shouldn't speak while in costume. The main reason for this is because it is very difficult for your voice to be heard. Even when you're speaking loudly, the size of the mascot head and the insulation from the foam, etc will prevent your voice from being heard. However, if you'd like your mascot character to be able to communicate with people, there is a solution! You can invest in a mascot amplification system!

There are some great compact amplification systems that you can get that will make it easy for your mascot character to speak with patrons. They come with a headset including a microphone. But if you choose to purchase an amplification system so your costumed actor can communicate, it would be smart to have them use a special, cartoony voice. If your character just sounds like a regular person, it will be very boring and ruin the illusion of the character. Click here to go to a website that has different amplification options to use with your mascot!

How to run a mascot program

discount Little Gray Eagle Mascot Adult Costume

So you’ve been handed the mascot program and you aren’t exactly sure what to do. You’re now responsible for keeping the costume clean, staffing the costume, and scheduling appearances. Here is some basic advice:

  1. Learn how to take care of the costume: Read our entry on “how to clean a mascot costume“. If this doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to contact us for specific cleaning advice. It is a good idea to designate an area for the costume to be hung to air out after use. Make sure that anyone you give the costume to knows how to properly clean a costume. A fur costume can easily be destroyed if someone puts it in a dryer.
  2. Find a mascot performer: Review our “finding a mascot performer” entry. If you cannot find a consistent performer, you or other staff members may have to wear the costume. Make sure anyone who gets in the costume reads our “basic character development” entry. The less experienced performer you have the more attention you have to pay to them. Make sure they are comfortable in the costume, know to hydrate properly, and take proper breaks. We recommend 20-30 minutes on, 20 minutes off for outdoors, and 30-45 minutes on indoors with 20-30 minutes off for inexperienced performers. Heat sickness is a real concern for someone who does not yet know their limits. More experienced performers already know their comfort level.
  3. Provide a mascot escort: Make sure your mascot always has an escort to assist them. This person is the mascot’s eyes and ears, seeing things the performer cannot (small children below eye level, steps, etc.) and assure their safety in case of unruly fans or other emergencies. This person should have a radio or some means to get in touch with you in case of an emergency. An escort also helps the mascot manage his/her props, preps contestants, and distributes giveaway items.
  4. Set a schedule of fees: Establish the rate for your mascot at different types of events
    • Non profit
    • Sponsor events
    • Non sponsors
    • Private appearances (birthdays, deliveries, parades)
    • Community events (walk a thons, school/church festivals)
  5. Create an appearance request form: The form should ask for
    • Event Name, date, time requested
    • Name of organization, type of organization (business, non-profit, private party)
    • Name of person making request (phone #, e-mail)
    • Name of on site contact (phone #, e-mail)
    • Address of event
    • Description of event
    • Expectations of mascot at event
  6. Create an appearance confirmation form: This is the form you send out once the appearance is scheduled. It confirms the information provided on the request form, sets the appearance time and expectations, and informs the client:
    • If parking is an issue, please designate an assigned spot for the performer, preferably close to the event, as he/she will have a large bag to carry
    • You must provide a private place to for the performer to change.BATHROOMS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE since the performer may have to place parts of the costume on the floor while getting dressed and bathrooms are unsanitary.
    • If the crowd becomes unruly, or the performer fears for their safety, the appearance may be cancelled without refund.
    • Advertise the appearance as “between the hours of” to avoid disappointing people if the mascot has to take a break.
  7. Maintain a master calendar:  Use Outlook, Google, Yahoo, or other calendar programs to keep a master schedule online. Allow your performers access to the schedule so they can manage their appearances. Send out a weekly e-mail reminder/schedule of events to keep your performers in the know and avoid missed appearances.
  8. Create a payroll spreadsheet: Keep accurate records of appearances and hours to make sure your performers get paid properly. Advise your performers to keep track of their hours in case of an error.
  9. Create a mascot program budget: Calculate expenses for the program. Items to consider
    • Payroll for appearances and escorts
    • Costume maintenance (cleaning, supplies)
    • New/replacement costume pieces
    • Mascot promotional items (t-shirts, tattoos, autograph cards)
    • Props
    • Mileage/travel expenses
    • Training for performers
  10. Develop merchandise: Generate revenue with your mascot through sales of items such as dolls, t-shirts, hats, bobble heads, and more.
  11. Develop community outreach programs: Decide how you want to impact your local community. Create programs to be performed at schools that encourage students to read, get active, recycle and more. Other popular school shows are anti-bullying and test taking techniques. Many programs rewards students with ticket vouchers to attend a game.
  12. Work with sponsorship: Generate revenue through the sale of mascot related sponsorship  School programs, promotional items, and even an overall mascot sponsorship can bring in money for your organization. Read our “how to generate revenue with your mascot program” entry.
  13. Work with marketing: Use the mascot to get your marketing messages out. Social media, publicity stunts, community events, charitable visits, all are ways to promote your character and brand.


Assistant Coach Proposes As Mascot During Midnight Madness

Directly from the YouTube description: Craig Heatherly, an assistant Men’s Basketball Coach at Davenport University, dresses up as Pounce the Panther and proposes to his girlfriend and DU Dance coach Linaya Hass at the annual Midnight Madness for the start of Men’s and Women’s Basketball in 2012-2013.


H/t to DUPanthers.

Written By: Mascotzentai Blog

MONSTER’S Popcorn Count EXPLODES.. 108 and counting

108 and counting……………..

TEAM AWAITS THE OFFICIAL 100th and 101st bags


Web page approaches 20,000 hits



After weeks with no popcorn supply…………………………….. Mirror Monster popcorn counts resumes.  AND receive a gift from Ninja Sombreos.  MORE corn!


MirrorMonsters support local cub scouts Pack 194.  Their popcorn is nut free and safe for all team members.


Soul Man Brings Home the Blues!

This off-season the Philadelphia Soul animal mascot costumes, Soul Man, got a subtle upgrade to his look. Gone is the latex skin, velcro patches in his hair and batting gloves. Soul Man is softer, offers more mobility in his head (the old head pushed against his chest!), has fleece hands, and an electric blue zoot suit to add to his classic black button-down. Soul Man is now 100% washable, including his head!
Keystone Mascots even went a step further and offered embroidery for every logo mark, including his lapel wings, and an interchangeable hat band so he can always stay sharply dressed.
We are grateful for the Soul to give us the nod in upgrading their number one fan, and look forward to seeing him jazz up the turf for years to come!

Mascots and the Holidaze

Something always gets me excited when the holidays roll around. Back in 1980 I started on this crazy mascot journey as "Super Smurf" and "Azrael the Cat" from the Smurfs cartoon series for Boscov's Department Store of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. My first job was to play a part in a "Breakfast with Santa" skit, where Gargamel and Azrael stole Santa from the kids' party, but Super Smurf swept in to save the day.

Later each weekend night "Super Smurf" and Santa Claus flew across Main Street to Boscov's front door, chasing away mean ol' Gargamel and Azrael and saving Christmas for the Wilkes-Barre kids. And then after Christmas for a week I got to stroll around the department store, well-wishing the shoppers who were returning gifts, and enjoying my first paying job... as a ten-year-old!

Anyway, maybe that's where all the mascotty-Christmas stuff came about. Even in high school I was sewing up a Santa hat for my Comet mascot costume. I bought a cheap Santa suit in my freshman year at Kutztown and was disappointed with the quality of the trim, so I bought extra fur and re-sewed the white to be fluffy and bright!

Since then I've had the pleasure - and it is a pleasure - of making a number of mascot Santa suits for different characters. Enjoy the pictures, and if you want some prices or advices let me know!

Show the love.... bring in the fans!

You know, it's always more fun when the fans get involved. And fans don't necessarily mean "innocent bystander" fan. I love this video because Eddie looks so real, although I'll bet this was a scripted, rehearsed stunt.

Don't be afraid to bring fans into your fun. As a mascot, don't be afraid to be "showed up". BIG kudos to G-Man, who let his superhero powers be overshadowed this night.

Enjoy, and share the excitement!


Harlem Shake: Dayton, Iowa State, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, Syracuse, Vanderbilt

At this point we’re not even trying to keep up, but here area few more. Of course, the school’s mascot is included in each of these videos.


Iowa State:

University of Florida:

University of Texas:

University of Wisconsin:




Assistant Coach Proposes As Mascot During Midnight Madness

Directly from the YouTube description: Craig Heatherly, an assistant Men’s Basketball Coach at Davenport University, dresses up as Pounce the Panther and proposes to his girlfriend and DU Dance coach Linaya Hass at the annual Midnight Madness for the start of Men’s and Women’s Basketball in 2012-2013.


H/t to DUPanthers.

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Gangnam Style Gets McMaster-ed

We promise to keep posting these as we find them. Gangnam Style has hit Canada!

The latest parody comes from McMaster University, home of the Marauders. Mac the Marauder makes his first appearance at the 1:05 mark.

Enjoy! Eagle Mascot Costume


Finally we have some Pelicans up in here!

Float like a butterfly and sting like a Pelican!

Team to take on new brand identity representative of New Orleans, Gulf South

January 24, 2013

New Orleans Hornets Owner Tom Benson announced today that at the conclusion of the 2012-13 season, the name of the team will become the New Orleans Pelicans. A name that will represent the culture and resolve of the Gulf Coast region while also symbolizing Louisiana’s most pressing initiative of coastal restoration and wildlife conservation. Benson introduced the team’s new logos, as well as color scheme, during the announcement.

The team will use and remain under the name New Orleans Hornets until the end of the 2012-13 season.

The team’s cornerstone community platforms will focus on two initiatives critical to the future success and prosperity of the Gulf South Region; the health and sustainability of our coastal wetlands and the health and fitness of our region’s children. The message of a healthy habitat, in which the Pelican thrives, will provide the centerpiece for a program of healthy living, exercise and education to that of protecting, saving and restoring our coastal wetlands and wildlife. The Pelican will serve as that symbol.

Perseverance and renewal have been hallmarks of our community’s resurgence and the Pelican’s remarkable recovery closely matches that of the Gulf South Region. The Pelicans will be more than a namesake for the franchise, as New Orleans, the State of Louisiana and the Gulf South have a rich history connected to the name. Represented on Louisiana’s state flag and seal, the Pelican has been the state bird for over a century. The Pelican symbolizes the determination to not only survive, but thrive even when the odds are stacked against them as our region has demonstrated over and over.

“When we purchased the basketball team, it was a priority to change the name to reflect our culture, our community and our resolve. The Pelican does that,” said Owner Tom Benson. “Our region has been hard hit in recent years and the one thing that stands out is the resiliency and determination to comeback, to fight and overcome. The Pelican symbolizes that. The synergy of this name, this bird and the future of our state and region are intertwined and in three, five, ten years from now, it will be not only be a name of a sports franchise but it will also be the face of the continued recovery of our region. We will promote healthy habitats, not only for our youth but for our community, our coast and our wildlife. The Pelican name will do that. It is more than a name. It represents our way of life.”

The Pelicans’ colors will be blue, gold and red. The team’s primary color, blue, is taken from Louisiana’s state flag. The Pelicans and Saints will share the color gold, uniting the organizations, while celebrating the spirited life of New Orleans and its many celebrations (gold is also a commonly found color on the “crown” of the pelican). Red represents fraternity and is indicative of the blood provision of the mother pelican and the vibrant color underneath the pelican’s throat. All three colors are found on the City of New Orleans flag.

“Establishing the New Orleans Pelicans is a process of building a basketball legacy for our community that entwines our team image with the best qualities of our community,” said Hornets Owner/Vice Chairman of the Board Rita Benson LeBlanc. “The Pelican is not only the state bird of Louisiana, but it is also representative of teamwork, the positive synergy of group dynamics and, as we’ve experienced recently here on the Gulf Coast region, regeneration. The strength, resiliency and loyalty of a Pelican are the core values our fans and team can be proud of. This identity change was an investment we had to commit to, in order to provide a fresh beginning for our fans. Forging a new and bright future for the Pelicans will bring awareness to the best of New Orleans, the Gulf South, and provide our fans with a team that they can identify as their own.”

Written By: 
